All is well?
You are well aware, that ‘ All is well ’ in business is applicable, if only we are in constant touch with our customers and prospect base. Any lack of constant touch results in immediate loss of the prospect and gradual loss of the customer. Latest researches have proved as under: Lack of involvement of latest technology for lead generation, product branding etc. like not sending sms, emails, non availability of web sites, non availability of enquiry forms etc. results in a dip of at least 30% in product enquiries. Research has also proved beyond doubt that cost of doing nothing , in implementing the right technology and tools, costs the organization very dearly and negates the efforts made by it. The business can never be person driven and must be process driven. Sales process is a science and lack of scientific method in following the process results in gradual dip in business. Customer buys when he wants to buy and not when we want to sell. The catch is, we should be there i...