Work From Home Made Easy!
Work From Home M ade Easy! In this new COVID-19 reality, how can companies reduce business disruption and prepare for success when working from home? Feeling challenges right during this lockdown? We help you work from home with efficiency. Practicalities to Ponder There has been a growing trend towards flexible and work from home scenarios over the last 5 years but many businesses are still unprepared for full-scale remote working. So, let’s look at some key things to consider when adjusting to working from home. Of course, not all industries or job roles are suitable for remote work. If your industry isn’t one of them, still consider if there is any other work that they can be doing in the short term outside of their normal remit and that can be accomplished in the home environment. Now is the time to set and communicate clear guidance around work from home policies including sick pay or leave entitlement and the availability of additional Government support. Other ...