www.frontlineSSM.com : Changing the Face of Sales Force Management

“Most people believe that sales force automation software is only for companies with a large sales force. Our past experience has showed us that even a 3 member sales team benefits from having information about each client stored in a common repository with easy access and analysis through detailed reports. This significantly eliminates the need for data entry and record maintenance leaving more man-hours for scaling up businesses. Recording every piece of information about a client allows the team to offer high quality service based on individual client needs. Web hosted CRM packages offer price their products based on the number of users which limits the cost for such organizations.” Adjusting to these tools is also much easier than what is expected by most clients, since they do not require external software or hardware. Efforts are made to ensure a user friendly experience thus limiting the need for prior technical knowledge of any kind. Records maintained prior to adopting these systems can be imported easily minimizing the need to duplicate data.

The beauty of hosted customer relationship management software tools is that they are just as relevant to companies having a sales force of 5 people as they are to companies with a sales force of a 100. Smaller companies where each client represents an important source of revenue use CRM tools to minimize operational costs while offering high quality service to their customers. Larger companies benefit from the centralized database of information and the ability to monitor operations remotely with minimum time and effort.

CRM software has evolved considerably over time. It has reached a level of comprehensiveness where every aspect of the sales cycle is automated and can be managed with greater transparency and efficiency. Planning the sales process, lead generation, contact management, sales call management, dispatch and delivery of products, and even customer service management are all included in most CRM tools available in the market today.

According to Mr. Rakesh Jain, Chairman of Frontline Securities Limited, “ www.frontlineSSM.com - CRM software has become the backbone of our entire sales force in every division ranging from mutual fund distribution to equity trading activities. We have managed to set up a new branch office in Mumbai with the help of only two sales people as a result of this tool. We manage all our lead generation and sales call activities from our head office in Delhi, leaving only the actual calls to our sales people in Mumbai. They have managed to cover Pune as well as Mumbai due to the additional operational efficiency offered by our CRM package. Our conversion of leads into actual clients even in Delhi has increased by over 40% since we employed this product.” Frontline Securities Limited uses Frontline SSM, a web based CRM package created by their sister concern- FSL Software Technologies. The software offers modules for lead generation, contact management, sales call management and even after sales service management activities.

Mr. Indivar Arora of Precision Testing Machines Private Limited also testifies to the benefits offered by www.frontlineSSM.com - CRM packages. His biggest problem tended to be keeping track of the machines he sold across the country so that he could allocate sufficient resources to their after-sales maintenance. This was easily remedied by FrontlineSSM. The software helped him maintain a record of sales made by every branch and employee in his company. He was also able to plan the resources he would require to service these beforehand, and build a team of service engineers accordingly. “Managing operations across 30 branches has become far more efficient in terms of both the time and cost involved”, he believes.

The biggest misconception about CRM packages is that sales forces are adversely affected by the increased transparency in operations creating a ‘Big Brother’ effect. However, in most cases, employees enjoy the freedom of not having to report their activities daily to managers directly or maintaining tedious logs. Employees can get feedback on their handling of clients and related activities, which can be used to enhance their skills. They are also given direct access to higher levels of management, which could create a medium for exchanging ideas and perspectives.

While the number of large service providers offering CRM software in India is still limited, the ready adoption of these tools augurs a significant increase in this number of the near future. The improvement in features and prices that this would bring would have a significant impact on the adoption of such software by every company, irrespective of its size and industry.


  1. Good job, Sharad! I guess for many people in our country ignorance continues to be bliss...such efforts will go a long way in E-educating the educated people. Good luck with the product and the efforts! By the way, can your CRM tool be customized for patient follow up in hospitals? I know that many corporate hospitals are already doing that...but can your CRM tool be adapted to that role. If yes, I am sure you have a huge bank of medium-large sized hospitals waiting for you to reach them.

  2. User Friendly Sales & Service Management CRM...

    Frontline SSM

    *Increase the productivity of the Sales person by 40 %, with the help of this s/w the sales person eliminate the none productive time.

    *Effective Complaint/Service call Allocation: Increase in revenue up to 20%

    *Resource Optimization: 30% efficiency increase

    *Increase in new sales : 22% by increasing ratio of selling time to non-selling time.

    *Increased Customer Satisfaction Index: Increase in total revenue up to 20%

    *AMC / Warranty Contract Management: Increase in renewal up to 50%

    *Field sales staff will send their information more frequently. Typically information will be sent to management after every sales call (rather than once a week). This provides management with current information, information that they will be able to use while it is still valuable. Management response time will be greatly reduced. The organization will become more proactive and more agile.

  3. Environmental Friendly Sales & Marketing Tool -“FrontlineSSM”

    We deliver flexible Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions that help you achieve your objectives quickly and with a low total cost of ownership.

    Frontline SSMTM an ready-to-use, web based very user friendly customer relationship management solution (CRM) with out-of-the-box but configurable business process automation. It provides enterprise-wide access to vital customer information—anytime, anywhere—so you can manage your business with an integrated approach to field sales, inside sales, marketing & After sales Services

    Benefits Frontline SSMTM

    *Increase the productivity of the Sales person by 40 %, with the help of this s/w the sales person eliminate the none productive time.

    *Effective Complaint/Service call Allocation: Increase in revenue up to 20%

    *Resource Optimization: 30% efficiency increase

    *Increase in new sales : 22% by increasing ratio of selling time to non-selling time.

    *Increased Customer Satisfaction Index: Increase in total revenue up to 20%

    *AMC / Warranty Contract Management: Increase in renewal up to 50%

    *Field sales staff will send their information more frequently. Typically information will be sent to management after every sales call (rather than once a week). This provides management with current information, information that they will be able to use while it is still valuable. Management response time will be greatly reduced. The organization will become more proactive and more agile.

  4. flexible Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions that help you achieve your objectives quickly and with a low total cost of ownership.

    Frontlinessm an ready-to-use, web based very user friendly customer relationship management solution
    (CRM) with out-of-the-box but configurable business process automation. It provides enterprise-wide
    access to vital customer information—anytime, anywhere—so you can manage your business with an integrated
    approach to field sales, inside sales, marketing & After sales Services

    "Frontline SSM"

    *Increase the productivity of the Sales person by 40 %, with the help of this s/w the sales person eliminate the none productive time.

    *Effective Complaint/Service call Allocation: Increase in revenue up to 20%

    *Resource Optimization: 30% efficiency increase

    *Increase in new sales : 22% by increasing ratio of selling time to non-selling time.

    *Increased Customer Satisfaction Index: Increase in total revenue up to 20%

    *AMC / Warranty Contract Management: Increase in renewal up to 50%

    *Field sales staff will send their information more frequently. Typically information will be sent to management after every sales call (rather than once a week). This provides management with current information, information that they will be able to use while it is still valuable. Management response time will be greatly reduced. The organization will become more proactive and more agile.

  5. A Complete end-to-end sales and services management CRM solution:

    Benefits to sales reps:-

    frontlineSSM™ can improve the productivity of sales personnel. Here are some examples:

    Instead of writing various sales reports and/or call sheets, your sales people can fill-in their action taken and next plan of action on a user friendly web form. This saves time.

    Rather than printing voluminous reports and taking/ sending them to the sales manager, sales reps can use the internet to transmit the information. This saves time.

    Instead of waiting for paper-based sales-prospect lists, and sales-support information, they will have access to the information when they need it. This could be useful in the field when answering prospects' queries.

    The additional tools could help improve sales team morale/ motivation level by reducing the amount of record keeping and/or increase the closing rate. This could contribute to a virtuous spiral of beneficial and cumulative effects.

    It can be used as an effective and efficient training device. They provide sales team with product information, make available standard sales document without having them to waste time in looking for the same.

    Better and transparent communication and co-operation between sales personnel enhances successful team selling.

    Benefits to business / sales manager:-

    frontlineSSM™ can improve the productivity of sales personnel. Here are some examples:

    The sales manager, rather than gathering all the call sheets from various sales people and tabulating the results, will have the results automatically presented in easy to understand tables, charts, or graphs. This saves time for the manager.

    Daily activity reports, information requests, orders booked, and other sales information are sent to the managers instantly, allowing him/her to respond immediately with desired advice/ feedback. This gives management more hands-on control of the sales process if they wish to use it.

    The sales manager can use the system so to analyze the various information using, data using multiple combinations, and can present the results in a better way. This gives the sales manager information that is more useful in :

    Making available current and useful sales support materials to their sales team

    Facilitating marketing data: location wise, product wise, industry/ segment wise, regional / branch wise as well as for specific individual

    Identifying your VIP prospects, and your problem customers

    Tracking the productivity of their sales force by combining a number of performance measures such as: order per sales person, order per region/ branch, order by customer segment, order by various sources, product order, number of follow-ups per day, lead generated per day, revenue per call, cost per call, ratio of orders to calls, number of new customers per period, number of lost customers per period, target vs. achievement, sales projections , number of customer complaints, and number of overdue accounts.

    Benefits to the marketing manager

    frontlineSSM™ is useful for the marketing manager. It gives the marketing manager information that is useful in :

    Identifying segments within your market

    Identifying your target market (location wise)

    Identifying your best prospects in place

    Understanding your sales team/ product strengths and weaknesses

    Supporting the sales function with other parts of the promotional mix (such as email campaigns and SMS campaigns)

    Facilitating interface to capture customers feedback and tracking of customer satisfaction index enabling you having useful and valuable inputs

  6. As we are moving into a new era of Glocalisation, the world is changing at an accelerating pace which means that the needs and expectations of customers are shifting rapidly. So to meet the new challenges of sales and services, frontlineSSM could be a useful tool to manage relationship with customers. FrontlineSSM helps companies from generating leads,managing business contacts,converting leads into sales call and then helps in making long lasting reletionship with customers by regular follow ups and much more

  7. Frontline SSM is helping in day to day MIS and field service operations. The system seems to be a must for any organization involved in sales and Service activity.

  8. Frontlinessm an ready-to-use, web based very user friendly customer relationship management solution
    (CRM) with out-of-the-box but configurable business process automation. It provides enterprise-wide access to vital customer information—anytime, anywhere—so you can manage your business with an integrated
    approach to field sales, inside sales, marketing & After sales Services.


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