Keeping growth pace with Changing Business Needs: Value proposition for business owners

Some most common apprehension:

Why do I need CRM software?

Why do I invest money in software during slowdown?

Am I delaying my decisions for something, which is for ultimate good of my business?

Is there value for money I am spending?

Why should I buy CRM software, when I am already using ERP?

Why should I improve the methodology of doing my business?

How do I increase my sales, reduce expenses, and increase collections and customer satisfaction, even in slowdown with most negligible cash outflow?

I am able to control my business as it is. Why do I need software for same?

The business is all about the customer. It is not possible to run a successful business without completely and consistently knowing the customer. frontline SSM is a Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) tool through which any business can develop a lasting business relationship with his customers. frontline SSM involves all important areas of your business i.e. sales, marketing and customer service including control over your expenses and current assets.

The software has been designed to enable the user to increase the sales and customer satisfaction manifolds within a short span of time.

frontline SSM solution provides a customer-oriented approach which mainly improve co-ordination between sales and marketing departments, automate sales and marketing and customer service practices, enhances communication between sales persons, gather key information about customers and opportunities, and manage these information in a centralized database. It facilitates marketing and sales department capture maximum information about customers to offer them better deals and maintain relations by understanding their needs. It manages information about existing and potential customers so as to build better relations with them.

frontline SSM readily delivers crystal clear perspective in terms of market to the marketing manager in a fast changing environment in terms of product requirement, product capabilities, pricing and organization strength.

frontline SSM helps in increasing service revenue through increased customer satisfaction.

Productivity increases manifold. Sales /Service team will use their time more efficiently and more effectively. The managers will also become more efficient and more effective. This increased productivity can create a competitive advantage in many ways, such as listed below:

    • Resource Optimization : 30% efficiency increase
    • Increase in new sales: 25% by increasing ratio of selling time to non-selling time.
    • Effective Complaint/Service call Allocation: Increase in revenue up to 20%
    • Increased Customer Satisfaction Index: Increase in total revenue up to 20%
    • AMC/ Warranty Contract Management: Increase in renewal up to 50%

Key Benefits of using the frontline SSM

  • Multiple approaches to a prospect by different divisions/ sales teams within the organization are highlighted and controlled.
  • No time and efforts are required to be spent by the sales team in preparation of regular review papers (On an average minimum three working days per month are spent on this activity in any organisation preparing review papers for regular monthly/ quarterly/ yearly reviews) . The sales review can take place on demand.
  • Most recent sales projections with more than 85% accuracy resulting in optimum inventory and controlled cash cycle. Incorrect sales projections result in inventory carrying cost.
  • Decision making is instant. Personal meetings/ telephone calls not necessary for decision seeking.
  • Attrition in sales force can be managed without loss of business as all sales developments are known.
  • Close follow-up with the prospect till closure stage.
  • Optimization of service engineers time.

For more details click

FSL Software Technologies Ltd.

Add: B-22, Sect 4 Noida (U.P)

Ph no: +91-120-2534066/ 67/ 68


‘The Software pays for itself’

‘You only have to say yes, we do the rest’

‘You enjoy the benefits of the business you have so lovingly and painstakingly built.’


  1. Amazing Software Solutions for business dealing in B2B, I recommend people to try this CRM. And definitely they will feel the change in the Sales Process with Increased Customer base and Customer Retention.
    Lastly increased revenue.

    Try this out..
    Best regards

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. - I have liked the features that your software provides but could you please let me know about the important reports that are generated through your software

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  5. Business software like SaaS, Quantum Peachtree and other CRM software are definitely useful in every business for organizing important files. Of course, every entrepreneur wants organized files because it would be easier to find the leads they want, and those leads can be used in the future. Luckily today, business software continues to improve for helping and making the tasks become easier.

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