A satisfied Sales force can create magic

Hope you have done ample of brain-storming, a lot of planning and clever budgeting for the just-started financial year. But, have you thought that:

What will be that one thing which will take you to the point where you see your organization on April 1, 2013???

You may be thinking of fancy marketing strategies, acquisition of new talent or cost cutting. But, our answer to this simple question is “Your People i.e. Your Satisfied Sales Force”. Yes, a satisfied Sales Person can create magic in your organization and rocket your sales figure once he put his heart in his Sales Pitch. So, let’s gift your sales team a tool called SalesMantraTM (Online CRM Software) this financial year using which they:

· CAN keep all the customer information at a centralized place which could be retrieved by him anytime (& by you too i.e. seniors/superiors) on a single click, no matter he is in office or went out-of-station.

· CAN wipe out the unproductive time from their schedule wasted in reports formulation, searching for customer follow-up history, their contact details, previous order details etc.

· CAN segregate all his leads as per their sales-cycle stage & take the printout of all his leads lying at Negotiation/Finalization stage on a few clicks.

· CAN get his “things – to – do” ready for the day at 9 AM in morning.

· CAN find out his Neglected Leads & Key Accounts all at once on a single click, ask for senior’s support on them and work according to his seniors’ suggestion/comment/feedback.

· CAN start working on a particular lead from the point where other sales person has left it as the software doesn’t allow the sales person to take his data with him when he leaves the organization.

· CAN plan his client-visits by taking the contact details of all the prospects present in a particular location and it turn, target as many prospects as possible in a single tour.

· CAN enter their travelling & other expenses incurred and later, get them reimbursed without any hassle.

· CAN send emails to all his prospects/existing customers at once and track that who, at what time and how many times, is watching his mails.

The list can go on, and on, and on………………..…..

At the same time, management gets all the necessary reports (“unaffected” i.e. unbiased reports) directly from system. Few of them are as follows:

Daily Sales Leads Generated Report

Target v/s Achievement Report

Appointment Report (Employee / Branch Wise)

Order Report (Branch/Employee/Product/Source Wise)

Daily Follow-up Report

Payments Outstanding Report

Quotation Report

Expense Report (Branch/Employee/Region Wise)

Sales Prospects Funnel Reports (Hot, Cold, Exploratory)

Complaint Reports (Product/Branch Wise)

Sales Projection Report

Daily Value Addition Report

Your sales figures depends on the attitude of your sales person, not the attitude of the prospect. And it will be your Sales Person only who will toil in sun and run in rain to take your organization from GOOD to GREAT.

Let’s join hands in the journey of mutual growth. For free demonstration, register online at


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+91 9819176613 / +91 88024 09248

/ +91 9871796611

Unless you dare to run, it’s impossible to win the race and, win the victory unless you dare to battle.

FSL Software Technologies Ltd.

a global IT solution provider

Head Office:

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