The essence of the information technology revolution and, in particular,the World Wide Web is the opportunity afforded companies to choose how they interact with their customers. The Web allows companies to build better relationships with customers than has been previously possible in the offline world. By combining the abilities to respond directly to customer requests and to provide the customer with a highly interactive, customized experience, companies have a greater ability today to establish, nurture, and sustain long-term customer relationships than ever before. These online capabilities complement personal interactions provided through salespeople,customer service representatives, and call centers. At the same time, companies can choose to exploit the low cost of Web customer service to reduce their service costs and offer lower-quality service by permitting only electronic contact. The flexibility of Web-based interactions thus permits firms to choose to whom they wish to offer services and at what quality level.
Indeed, this revolution in customer relationship management has been referred to as the new "mantra" of marketing which is probably known as SALES MANTRA
Sales mantra is a comprehensive online package for a company to make every process easy. Reduce the annual maintenance cost, optimization of available resources, increases the efficiency etc.
SALES MANTRA software streamlines and helps the sales process as under:-
  • Data base management- the software maintains the contact base and classifies them as per the requirement of the customer such as location wise, segment wise, team wise, region wise, product wise, source information wise etc.
  • The data base helps the customer in generation of leads by sending SMS, Fax massages and Mass E-mailing
  • The system helps designing campaigns, storing it and using same by a simple click
  • The prospects are assigned to each member of the sales team, who continuously enter their interaction with the customer till the order is received. The rest of the process is all automated. The system generates most meaningful reports for the management on the basis of this information
  • The prospect list again gets classified location wise, region wise, product wise, team segment wise etc as above
  • The complete history of each prospect is maintained by the system
  • The neglected prospects are highlighted
  • The performance of each sales person vis--vis target is automatically updated continuously
  • The sales team is supported by the system thru features like Library, News Letter, Alerts, Feedback (two way communication system), Diary, Scheduling appointments, Work planning, Competition intelligence, Automatic filling up of expense reports, Time management , automatic preparation of quotation etc
  • What the customer wants at what price is visible to the user on real time basis.
  • The sales projections can be given with much improved accuracy by using the software
SALES MANTRA helps one share, manage and access information anywhere, anytime in a secured environment.
  • The software enables multiple remote locations to work as virtual team
  • There is no loss of business whatsoever because of usage of this software when people leave the company as their prospects are all available in the system and can be assigned to next person
  • There is no need to maintain bulky sales files as complete correspondence with customers is available in the system
     This is web based software, requires no infrastructure and is operational from day one. The software starts delivering results from week one itself and you can save up to minimum of 10 times the payment made in the form of increased turnover, efficiencies, reduced expenses etc.
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