SalesMantra CRM Software Solution - Android Apps & Auto Scheduled Reports To Ease The Work Of The Teams

Every Organization starts with a view of expanding business and reaching to the top most position in its industry. In the run to increase business, regular interaction with the teams is lost and thus reduces reporting and feedback's that are important to plan the growth of the Company.

To lessen the difficulty that teams face in interaction with each and every employee on regular basis, scheduled reports play a very important role. It helps in automatically receiving employee performances through email in a comprehensive report formats, and thus reduces hassles of requesting employees to send their daily reports over mail.

SalesMantra is one of the best solutions that provide daily reports scheduler to manage the reporting hassles. Teams need to update their work done and plans for next days through Android App or Web, which is sent through auto- emails to the top management.

Android apps word as an added advantage for the users on field. It gives a clear view to all the users of daily plans they have to work upon. Also employees can upload their daily work through the app, thus reducing dependency on the Systems/Laptops/Desktops. The app is downloadable from the play store for easy access by all users.  

For the Management, it helps in getting updates every morning about schedules of each and every employee, irrespective of whether they are at office or out of office. The attendance can also be marked by the sales employees on the android app, thus getting their status and location. Reports like Attendance, Location logs are very useful for management to access the performance of an employee.

Implementation of SalesMantra CRM Software is a real boon for Companies that are functioning in multi-locations, and are unable to manage the Sales Team effectively. The reporting feature of the software is a real added advantage for the Management and users in the Companies.


  1. Android Apps are the new era of IT revolution...Really a boon for large businesses

  2. Android application had made it very easy to work from field.


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